Please follow this pocess:
Process 1
IEE: set up a B2B-user and connect it to customer
IEE: Connect a functional object to a customer (= default customer of the B2B-user)
IEE: Connect document to the functional object (document class is enabled for B2B)
B2B: log on with B2B user from above
B2B: select the functional object where the document is connected in IEE and verify if the connected document exists => document which was connected in IEE does not exist
Why is the connected document on the functional object not visible in IFS Aurena B2B?
Other way around: Process 2
B2B: connect a document to a functional object
IEE: select in frame functional object the object from above where the document was connected to in B2B
IEE: verify if the document which was connected in B2B exists = it is available in the attachments => this is the expected result
Why is process the document not visible?
Thx for your support in advance