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Hi all,


I’m trying to generate the invoice preview lines for a service contract line for a past period (2021). It is not generating it and leaving a gap in the invoice plan lines.


The service line is valid in the period. The Invoice Period I try to generate the invoice plan is for 01/01/2021 to 31/03/2021



And there is a valid periodic price too

But it won’t generate that missing period, leaving a gap in the invoice plan lines page. See below. Appreciate if anyone can explain why. We are on Cloud 23R2



@athasanka  do you have any lines beyond march 2021 that have been already invoiced? I suspect this might be a bug.

I have analyzed a similar issue last year and IFS R&D recognized it was a bug, since once you have some ‘later’ lines invoiced, you couldn’t delete earlier (not invoiced) lines. See my detailed analysis that I provided to IFS. They mentioned this was was fixed in 23R2 EA. I haven’t tested it though.

If you don’t get any pertinent answers here, I suggest you create a ticket with IFS Support as I suspect a bug in your case also.


Thanks Marcel, and for the detailed explanation.

Sorry I couldn’t get back sooner. Yes, there are periods invoiced beyond this.


I noticed an interesting thing with a different contract. The missing line in PROD is available in DEV (a 30 day old copy of PROD) - indicating that someone might have deleted the line in PROD. But I can’t work out how anyonce can delete it manually when there are subsequent invoiced lines for the same contract and line. I can’t regenerate the missing line either. Please see the attached if you might have any insight.
