
Assyst REST - how to include discontinued items?

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Consider 5 items with name some_application_x, 2 are discontinued.

How do I include the discontinued items in the REST call above?


I’ve tried &discontinued=true and &includeDiscontinued=true, can’t really find any similar examples on the Wiki.



2 replies

Badge +2

Hi there,

This should be possible.

If you are wanting the item to return all 5 items, including the discontinued items, then please remove the discontinued=true/false altogether and this should bring back all items including the discontinued items.



I would think so too, but here we see 3 items, all of which are not discontinued. If we do a regular search in Assyst, and enable search for discontinued items, we receive 5 items.



Badge +4

Hi there,

This should be possible.

If you are wanting the item to return all 5 items, including the discontinued items, then please remove the discontinued=true/false altogether and this should bring back all items including the discontinued items.


