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when you are using warehouse mobile edge, you can make a search on a product.
1/ Is it possible to see attachments linked (on the product center) to the product ?
For example : you could see a procedure for a technical or logistic preparation of this product.

2/ Is it possible to know with a Search or other action : How many product are in a location (bin) ? If you are a logistics worker in the field, you often want to know how many prodcuts are in a bin.

Thanks and Regards 

Hi Anthony,

Per the Warehouse Edge User Guide, the Mobile Edge Warehouse does not indicate the bin for the product unless it was an item search (serial number search). Also no attachments other than the photo are returned.  These would be RFE’s from my understanding.


Searching a Product ID

If the scanned value is a Product ID then the page displays Product ID, Description and image of product if recorded in the product record.


Searching a Serial Number

Inventory Item

If an Inventory Item record is returned, the following information will be returned.

The return results include Product ID, Serial #, Item Description, Warehouse, Bin/Area, Inventory Type and Owner if the item is owned by a customer.

If an image is defined in the product record, it is also displayed.

Hi phil

Thanks for your support. I believe it could be a good RFE for a logistics worker in the field. (like we have on WMS solution)



