We’re seeing an issue when Oracle fails over or moved from one RAC node to another. IFS itself works as expected but Warehouse Data Collection (WADACO) does not.
The result is that anyone attempting to use WADACO in either in the IFS IEE screens or in the ScanIT touch apps receives an error telling them that "no Warehouse Data Collection licenses are available" but this is not correct. Checking the WADACO licenses we see that we have many free each time this has happened.
We can fix by restarting the IFS Apps Server services using mws-svr command but this causes a dull downtime for all IFS that we need to avoid.
Has anyone got any insight into why WADACO isn’t failing over like IFS does?
With the mechanism in place such that WADACO only consumes a license when a user accesses those screens inside IFS makes me think that the WADACO connections are made differently than IFS as a whole.