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The customer block a batch in stock by using Availability Control Id, later the batch No and qty is moved to another location using WaDaCo process. When doing this the current Availability Control Id is removed which is gives big problems as the blocked material now is available for demands, still not approved for use. I figure out a way to set-up WaDoCo so the user can add a Availability Control Id but this is a non working solution in the long run. 
Is there anybody who knows how to configure WaDaCo so current Availability Control Id remains on the batch and qty after move.
The customer cannot have Availability Control Id connected to a location due to size and weight of the parts. This is the current set-up, to be change to support customer req




Hi @EvrAndeJa ,


My understanding is availability controls are connected to, changed or removed from an inventory part in stock record and from our experience you can configure WaDaCo to require the user to select the availability control or default it to Same as From Location.   We have configured WaDaCo to default the availability control to Same as To Location because we physically move parts to a quarantine location.  Here’s some observations we noted when using availability controls in our system.

  1. If a part number and lot batch number is moved to a location where both the part number and lot batch number are unique we can set the availability control on the part and lot batch number even if the location contains another part number and lot batch number.
  2. If the lot batch number is unique in a location but the part number already exists in the location we can set the availability control on to be different than the existing part number and lot batch number in the location.  The key is having the lot batch numbers different.
  3. If the location contains the same part number and lot batch number already the only way we can place an availability control on the part number and lot batch number is to change the W/D/R location to be unique. 


William Klotz

I understand your scenario but it’s not 100% solves my issue. The customer use WaDaCo and move part/batches that has a defined Avialabilty Control Id, I can not configure WaDaCo so the existing Avialabilty Control Id remains without any manual action/input,  and whey cannot have Avialabilty Control Id for the location.
I manage to set up the WaDaCo to stop and ask for Avialabilty Control Id input again but that is not good enough. 

Hi Anders,

I have had a look at your configuration above and tested in our test environments. Please test with the following adjustments:

  • On row 17 “Set Availability Control”
    • Set “Use Subsequent Value” to “Off”
  • On row 18 “Destination Availability Control”
    • Set “Use Fixed Value” to “Never”

If this does not fix it please export the configuration using Aurena and pm it to me and I’ll have another look.

KRgds, Anna
