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Hi All

We’re on Apps 10 and using IFS WADACO on Zebra handheld devices.

Exactly every 30 minutes, the device is getting disconnected with below SSL error. There must be a setting to change it somewhere.

Wondering if anyone has encountered a similar issue and successfully resolved it.


Many Thanks


@Dineshy7 we’ve seen this before when certificates were used where the certificate is self-signed or its trust chain is incomplete.

The 30-minute cycle is interesting. Is a reverse proxy or VPN in use here and does that have a 30-minute session lifetime? if not, it might be something connected to the TAS certificate. is a great tool for identifying SSL certificates with incomplete trust chains.

Did this start happening recently?

and can you share the exact version of WADACO app in use please?

Best regards,


Hi Rukmal

Thanks for your reply. 

This is ongoing issue which needs resolving especially when number of devices are growing.

We have conducted the SSLlabs test and everything appears satisfactory with the certificates.

Currently, we are using app version 10.15.




@Dineshy7 there’s a few more things that could shed light on this:

  1. when did this start occurring and what changed around that time?
  2. Do you use a VPN or a reverse proxy?
  3. What is your authentication provider? (e.g.: IFS Database Identity Provider, Azure AD, ADFS etc.)
  4. What is the exact version of the Scan It app that you use?

In addition, can you share your TAS URL via a Private Message with me please?



@Dineshy7 a followup question - do you still experience this issue, and if so, do you use a Load Balancer?


