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We use WaDaCo, configuration “Move Handling Unit” to move parts in handlings units from the arrival zone to stock.

All parts have a default location. Every handling unit has only 1 sort of parts in it.
We would like to see that default location on the scanner. However, when we put the “List Of Values” on auto pick, the correct value is fetched but it’s not changeable anymore: WaDaCo goes to the next step with that value.

Adding it as feedback also doesn’t help.

Any idea? We want the default location to be visible, but it should not be hard coded in the proces.



Hi @First Employee,


since List Of Values is set as “Auto Pick”, the system automatically saves the first available value from the LOV.


If you want a say in the matter, change from “Auto Pick” to either “On” or “Forced” to be able manually choose a value from the LOV.




Hi Mikko,




However, opening the LOV gives me every possible location I could put that part. I don’t have a clue about the default location there.


Business Proces: Operator needs to place the part on the default location. He scans the article, the default location is visualised. He goes to that location, but then sees that it’s full and needs to place it somewhere else. So he changes the ‘To Location”.




Note that the default settings in the configuration have nothing to do with “default locations”, it is about either set the automatic value directly or show the suggested automatic default value (in some cases it could be changed, but it depends a bit on which process and item it is), but from what I can see for this process there is no automatic value handling for to_location_no at all and the LOV goes against the inventory location basic data and don’t have any default location information at all.


I guess what you need here is a new feedback item that will show the default location for this handling unit. We are for the next release working on to add a ‘default picking location’ feedback item to the ‘Move Part’ process, I don’t think ‘Move Handling Unit’ have been discussed when it comes to this yet. Plus not sure what kind of default location are you looking for here, Picking, Arrival, QA?



Thanks! It indeed looks like that, but however if you force it, using AutoPick, WaDaCo does grab the correct default location, in a hard way. So he is capable of doing it somehow?

I think that is pure luck that auto-pick do that since it only picks the first location that LOV select gets, so if that happens to be a the default picking location, I’m not sure if that LOV function could also show other locations that are not the default picking location.

Thanks Dario!


There must be some logic, as Autopick always takes the correct default location. Changing that parameter and opening the LOV displays a huge list of possible locations.

But I don’t know the mechanism.

There is no logic connecting the LOV to a default picking location, the LOV shows all possible locations and auto-pick just picks the first line from the LOV. Maybe your LOV don’t have that many possible locations and the first one happens to also be the default picking location, you can easily see that if you change the LOV from auto-pick to On and open the LOV manually.
