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Using Process shipment to scan a picture to shipment

  • 18 March 2024
  • 7 replies

Is the ability to scan a picture and attach to a shipment scanner dependent?  I’m using a Honeywell CK65 Android which has a camera.  I’m trying to use the Process Shipment Aurena ScanIt configuration with the camera enabled.  The camera comes up, I can take a picture, Save it, but when choosing “Complete” as the action, the picture doesn’t attach to the shipment.  Appreciate any feedback regarding setups that need to be done.


Have you,

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU Shipment in the Object Connections page.



I had not completed this step as I didn’t know about it.

That worked!!  Thank you very much for the reply.

Do you use this function for this purpose much?  Do you know how/if multiple camera pictures can be taken at once on the first time through?


Thank you very much for the reply.



Hi Richard,

The capability of adding multiple media items to the same Data Item isn't available.

My suggestion would be to enable media for multiple Data items and attach an image at each of these, this way you will be able to attach multiple media items during one session.

If you want more information feel free to reach out :)



Its mentioned in the online documentation like this:

The PROCESS_SHIPMENT process ID identifies the Process Shipment process in the Warehouse Data Collection window. The standard windows for this are the Shipment and Shipments windows. With the Warehouse Data Collection process, the Reserve Shipment Lines, Create Pick List, Print Pick List, Report Picking, Complete Shipment, Deliver Shipment, and Close Shipment activities can be performed. It is also possible to back-up to the Preliminary status from Completed status in order to enable making changes to the shipment and handling unit structure. The available shipments are filtered on the selected site, and only shipments in status Preliminary and Completed are available for processing.

In the Process Shipment process, the camera can be enabled. When the camera is enabled, the option to take a photo and save it to the media library is available in the Windows Mobile and the Android client. The photos are saved as attachments in the Shipment window.

Prerequisite: Add MediaLibrary^ to the Service List for LU Shipment in the Object Connections window.



I think you can take several pictures and they will all be saved to the same object, at least that is how remember this functionality was built originally.

@BAMRICHBONO you aren't able to mass select multiple media objects, however you can select one at a time to add multiple. Isn't ideal but at least multiples are possible.

Hi guys,

Can I use the same function at REGISTER ARRIVAL on WADACO. I tried to setup, taking a photo from the scanner and attaching it to the arrival.

I been able to attach, it did not been transfer to the RECEIPT or other ARRIVAL screen.

Anybody know if iit is possible?




Gianni Neves

Hi @gianni.neves, yes the Register Arrival configuration also supports this functionality.  

You may want to double check that you have added the Media Library to the LU.

Below screenshot is from the help page on WaDaCo

