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What are the limitations in the ASFU licensing model?
Can I extract data from the "IFS Oracle Database" using ODBC or a similar driver and process it in my own data warehouse using my own ETL process for internal reporting?


are you in cloud?

If you are in cloud there are many limitations.

See also: Scope Statement for Oracle ASFU Database | IFS Community

Hi Link,

thx for your reply. 

No, we are on premise. 
IFS Application 10 and Oracle Database 19c Enterprise


@ABAL were you able to get confirmation from IFS on the ASFU usage restrictions?


Hi Link,

thx for your reply. 

No, we are on premise. 
IFS Application 10 and Oracle Database 19c Enterprise



if you are on premise there aren’t any limitations as far as I know. It is your database. 

We are in cloud and we can’t use it.

Don’t think that is entirely accurate. As far as I know the Oracle license if ASFU, comes with restrictions. I have been trying to get some specifics from IFS as well on this.

Hi There


I believe some of the restrictions are around how you integrate with the system itself. If you want to integrate then you need to use the Access Provider to do so and when making any calls to IFS you must use IFS Business Logic. You cannot create any custom tables and you can’t write your own applications that would work with IFS. The use of Oracle is restricted to the scope of the IFS application so you cannot create your own databases. Everything you do within the system must be confined within the scope of the application use for Oracle.
