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Curious to understand if there are any potential impacts of a user being signed into multiple different devices at once.  

Some users are reporting ScanIt app crashes but there are no logs being displayed.  

Environment: IFS Cloud 23R1 SU 7

Android devices


@astfarazt Scan It allows multiple devices per user, as you can see in the Solution Manager > Mobile Apps > Administration > Applications screen (h/t to @James Ashmore for pointing this out).


Regarding the crashes you mentioned I’ve not heard of any such reports, but if you can identify a recreatable test case, please report via the Support channels so that we can take a look, and the device logs will be super useful in such case. Are all of your users running 24.2.1118?

Best regards,


Thanks for the feedback @Rukmal Fernando.  Yes, all users are running 24.2.1118.

There have not been as many reports by the users since my first post.  Will monitor and submit a case if required and update this post if anything may be useful for others.  
