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We want to move the contents of a bin into another bin. What is the easiest way to move all of the contents of one bin into another. We have multiple bins on one shelf that needs to be consolidated into one bin. Is there any way to batch process moving parts?

Hi @KenS 

Is this about the MOVE_PART process in wadaco or more a general question for the warehousing clients/flows?

If its general question, maybe it would be better to ask that in the Supply Chain section of this community instead in the wadaco section.

If its about wadaco and MOVE_PART, the closest thing I can remember what this post a while ago 

were a customer had tried to make the move part process loop on itself moving all parts from one location to another and it cause timeout issues since it would cause a lot of transactions. As I suggested was to create a new customized process that does this in one go instead of creating many wadaco sessions and perhaps run it as a background job in worse case if it takes a long time to avoid timeout issues. Another suggestion would be to add a request for a new IFS core process that does this in wadaco, under the Ideas section of this community page.

@KenS I think the easiest way to do this is is with a Transport Task.

  • Go to Inventory Part in Stock - filter for the source location no where onhand_qty>0
  • Select all the lines → Transport Task → set target location
  • Execute the Transport Task 

Thanks for the information. As I learn more, the process is complicated by parts having default locations. If the parts are moved, and nothing else is done, we will have problems in the future.

@KenS yes, for each Invenytory PArt you have the possibility to setup default locations. Those locations will be suggested by the system whenever you try to put stock in the system (register arrival of PO / Shop Order Reciepts), but users always have the option to change the ‘proposed’ location at the time they receive the stock in the system.

In your case, probably you need to move the existing stock in the correct bins with transport tasks and then also execute a migration job to change the default locations on your Inventory Part to ensure that when stock will be received in the future it will go to the correct bins.

If you are using WaDaCo (Warehouse Data Collection) module, then your warehousing operations could be much more easier to ahndle by directly scanning the parts into their bins/locations.

The only migration jobs I was involved with was when we migrated from or old MRP system into IFS. Is the migration built into the system or is it an outside service contracted job.

@KenS IFS Cloud has a component called FNDMIG - where you can create Migration Jobs that could do mass updates / inserts in various business objects in IFS. Normally this is something that your IT Dept should be able to handle internally.

You would just need to give them an excel spreadsheet with the site | part_no | new default location. Then they could build the mig job if one doesn’t exist already and do the mass update with the new default locations.

If you wanna read more about this component feel free to visit the below documentation page:
