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Is there a way to create custom WaDaCo configurations from scratch in Apps 10? 


For example, I want to make one where you scan the part # & lot # and the feedback is the quantity,  availability control id & description.


There are a lot more things we would like to do with WaDaCo, but don’t have ways to achieve them with the included processes.






Hi @mfrejik 


It depends on what you want to do exactly, some things can be setup like you want in the configuration, like the things you describe could be configured that way depending on which process it is and if that data exist as items in the process. 

If some items are missing they can be added as customizations to the process. And if its a new process needed it can also be added as customization. This is something that customers do all the time, either with help from IFS consulting or our partners or even by themselves if they have the competence to understand and write IFS server code. Wadaco processes are more or less just plsql server code so there is no need to do any changes in the app for example to add some new logic or items to a process or add a new process.


See additional links for more information, including long presentations how to change configuration settings and explanations how wadaco and the processes are built up.

