
IFS Internal Support

Userlevel 6
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I am currently running the support desk for our IFS Apps 9 application, servicing over 350 full license users. 

Am struggling a bit to keep up with demand for usual service items, permission sets, user amendments, general functionality questions alongside a backlog of change requests (Some large, some not so big) alongside Projects, and a potential upgrade. 

I also have a number of integrations that always require support

I have an analyst, and a developer who helps from time to time but is dedicated to the business. 

We have a small technical team that look after the on-prem servers, but thats about it. 

What size teams are typical for similar businesses? 

We use the HR with health and safety, SFWB, Finance, Service, Relationship Management, Supply chain  to mention a few along with a fair amount of config. 

We have a small pot of funds to support configurations that are out of my knowledge base and some functional support. 

Its a fair amount, and I am approaching the business leads for more help but I wonder how others are coping? 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi @BLLBrucemo 

I know companies that don’t have they own support. But I also know companies that have between 8 and 12 employees for the ERP. system only. 

You need admins, interface developers, process experts, custom objects developers, technical experts, project manager etc.

Userlevel 6
Badge +11

Thanks for your input. We do have 2 project managers but a lot of the projects are outside of IFS remit.

I think I need to put a case together for an external IFS partner support contact! It’s certainly a challenge at the moment 


Userlevel 4
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This can be a common challenge that many customers face.  Prior to working for a partner, I worked for a customer who had a small team of 3 users (1 manager, 1 developer, 1 entry level help desk associate) for an organization of about 275. 

Tickets would be sent to a general mailbox, although the help desk user was unfamiliar with all aspects of IFS, let alone all aspects of the business.  This would require the tickets to be triaged by business functional leads that were apart of the original IFS implementation - although this led to significant delays as folks were busy with their ‘day jobs’ on top of support requests.  As you can imagine, it was a bit of a mess.  

In my experience, the best long term approach is to grow and nurture the application knowledge internally.  While working with partners can be exceedingly useful and convenient (I might be a bit bias here), they will not be able to understand your business as intimately as your employees do and at times, can be cost prohibitive - especially as a semi permanent solution.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Thanks for your input. We do have 2 project managers but a lot of the projects are outside of IFS remit.

I think I need to put a case together for an external IFS partner support contact! It’s certainly a challenge at the moment 


I recommend you to train your employees regardinig IFS knowledge. Otherwise you will be dependent from external partners and this is very expensive in long term.

Userlevel 6
Badge +11

Am certainly banging the drum to train up some super users to cover functional support and process improvements but they always wander back to the day to day! I need the business leadership on board, but having an external support team as an escalation may have to be the way. Adding headcount is not an easy task but something has to give!

Thanks for the insights so far 
