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Is there a way to add totals - sum and counts - in the table views in Cloud?

@hmccabe If you are comparing to sum in overviews in IEE, unfortunately that is not available, so it not possible. 

Counting the records that matches the search criteria is possible though



thank you

If you use the page designer certain fields can be summed. You must drill down into the field and add the setting.

Hello from another McCabe 🙂 this feature is in wide use in Apps10 at my company.  People will be really disappointed if they can’t show sums of MRB cases, PO lines, etc. anymore. I’m not familiar with page designer, but that doesn’t sound like something you’d grant to business users? 

Are there any plans to add this functionality back?


I wouldn’t give a normal user access to page designer.  I’m not sure if they will every bring it back.  I’m a customer of IFS not R&D they would be better to answer that.
