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Is it possible for a Technical Attribute to be included as a search criteria option and displayed in the search results?



  1. A serial object has a technical class with a technical attribute called “Attribute A.”
  1. Is it possible to add “Attribute A” as a criteria option for the serial objects search? And also display it in the search results?


I think you’d need a custom field for that. I’d use a read-only field with a select statement like:

SELECT value_text FROM technical_specification_pub 
WHERE lu_name = 'EquipmentObject' AND attribute = 'ATTRIBUTE_A'
AND key_ref = Client_SYS.Get_Key_Reference('EquipmentObject', 'EQUIPMENT_OBJECT_SEQ', :equipment_object_seq)

Select value_text or value_no depending on whether the attribute is alpha-numeric or numeric. Change the name of the attribute as you see fit of course, and not that you have to pass in the equipment_object_seq from the view.

The keys changed at some point. I tested the above SQL on 23R2. Back in the IFS Applications days the keys for an equipment object were the site (contract) and object id (mch_code), so the last part of the where clause would’ve been:

AND key_ref = Client_SYS.Get_Key_Reference('EquipmentObject', 'CONTRACT', contract, 'MCH_CODE', mch_code)


Yes it is possible.

go to ‘Best Fit Search’

  1. Select the technical class


  1. Follow the  prompts and enter the attribute values or ranges that you are looking for;
  2. Voila!

The ‘Hit Ratio’ column will tell how good is that fit. 100% being very good fit.


Hi @hmccabe - Above custom queries might do the job for you. However, have you tried this using the core capabilities of searching business objects (i.e. Serial Objects) filtered by technical attributes.

“Best Fit Search” feature in IFS Cloud is a good option to include technical Attribute as a search criteria option and displayed in the search results. u main/ifsapplications/web/assistant/BestFitSearch ]. It is supportive of searching objects using combination of attribute filters. please see the below series of images,  

Filter from respective Technical Class

Filter from Respective Technical Attribute or Attributes

Check the Results- It has 02 Serial Objects that satisfies the criteria (Purchase Package=ABC). Navigate to Specification and Object Details if needed.


The only question is what you want to do with the results. From my experience, Best Fit Search works nicely, but is kind of a dead-end road as there is no further processing available. For example: You search for batteries from a certain manufacturer, a specific capacity, and production date. Could be a product recall, a cross-sell campaign, the need for a software update, you name it. Search will return the list of equipment, but how do you proceed from here?

Did someone come up with a creative idea?

@Alexander Heinze ,

Considering the broad capability to search for any business entity/object (such as Equipment, Supplier, Manufacturer, Work Order, Sales Order, Customer Order, etc.) that has a technical specification reference, I have reservations about developing a common next step for all types of business objects directly within the search functionality.

Currently, we have navigation to the Object Details, where the necessary next steps can be initiated.

For example:

  • Serial Object Detail → Move to Inventory → Return to Inventory → Ship (for software update)
