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Hi All,

Any one deployed IFSCloud 23R1 with  high availability mode?

I appreciate if you could share your experience and knowledge.

Are you have technical documentation for this ?

I have followed the steps. 

  1. Changed the main_config to have a loadbalancer address and 3 nodes under Nodes
  2. Then went through the management server setup steps

    main -set action Init, Key, kubernates, GETKUBECONFIG, DISABLEAPPARMORPROFILE, SETK8SDNS

  3. then tried the .\main.ps1 -resource 'JOINNODE'

when i run the kubectl get pods -n prd command it was appeared only pods related to Node1. 

Why it was happening?

that's because the config is pointing to node1 and nodes are not added to the cluster correctly i beleive if the nodes are connected to the cluster . It that correct?


We have used an early dropout of this solution since January and it seems to work well. We have 3 nodes behind the load balancer. We are running this at our hosting provider. We are still on 22R1, but plan to lift solution to 23R1SU2 in September.  

Do you have any checklist or technical documentation for this? what step have you followed?

