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Hi guys,


i create custom field in IEE and already publish on IEE, but when i show in IFS Aurena the following error appears.


An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.

Url: https://ifs:46080/main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/ProductStructureHandling.svc/ProdStructureHeads(Contract='IDBM',PartNo='07402-393-00',EngChgLevel='1',BomType=IfsApp.ProductStructureHandling.ShopOrdCode'Purchase')/ProductStructureAlternateArray(Contract='IDBM',PartNo='07402-393-00',EngChgLevel='1',BomType=IfsApp.ProductStructureHandling.ShopOrdCode'Purchase',AlternativeNo='%2A')/MultiLevelStructureArray?$orderby=LineIndex&$select=BomType,Contract,EngChgLevel,PartNo,LevelNoAlt,LevelPartNo,LevelContract,Cf_Price,LevelEngChgLevel,LevelBomType,LevelAlternativeNo,ComponentPart,ComponentContract,Cf_Ctm_Des,QtyPerAssembly,UnitOfMeasure,Planner,MinLotSize,MultipleLotSize,Objgrants,luname,keyref&$expand=LevelPartNoRef($select=Description,Objgrants,luname,keyref),LevelAlternativeNoRef($select=AlternativeDescription,Objgrants,luname,keyref),ComponentPartRef($select=Description,Objgrants,luname,keyref)&$skip=0&$top=25

Date = 2024-03-14T08:01:58.452Z
Client version =


can you help me?

This is most likely due to an error in the definition of the custom field.

If you open the log window you should be able to see the real error message, not just “An internal server error occurred. Contact administrator.” which doesn’t give us any clues about what can be wrong.

If you need help with the specific definition you can also post how the custom field is defined.

this is custom field i have.



and this error after i add custom field.


@Tomas Ruderfelt 

Could you show the Entity Configuration also?

And if you have used a read only field with SQL in it also show the SQL, like this:


we dont have menu Entity Configuration in IFS Aurena. @Tomas Ruderfelt 



Sorry, you are running APPS10 I see. Then how does your definition of the custom field look like? The definition you created in the other client/UI?
