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 Hello Community,

I hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

I wanted to bring up an issue we are experiencing with receiving a specific part number through an internal purchase order using the Incoming Dispatch Advice. We keep receiving an error message stating that the serial number is already in use.

Could you kindly assist us in resolving this error?

Thank you very much.



silly question. have you check if the serial exists in inventory on the recipient site?

@Deepak are you able to confirm the result when the following is executed,

Part_Serial_Catalog_API.Get_Objstate(part_no_, serial_no_)


It not exist in the inventory of receiving site that is why I have asked in the community brother.

This part have transactions only on delivering site.

Hi, See the history and the current position of the serial from the Part Serial window. 
Also, search for the serial in Inventory Transactions History and understand the overall transactions of the part. 
