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I am trying to set up SMTP for the first time in ifs. 


Here is my configuration 


Port 587 


SSL/Start TLS: both set to on

From Display name: Myname

From: my own company email address (just to test)

Reply to Display name: Myname

Reply To: my company email address

Envelope Form: my company email address


I have auth on and typed in my company email address and password.


After configuring this i go to an account i created within IFS and expire and reset the password to try and generate and email but nothing ever comes through.


I am not sure how to fix this or even to make sure that the actual app is generating an email to send.


I have tried a combination of different things such as turning off auth and ssl/tls in every different way. I even put in my personal gmail account to try and make it just send me an email. None have resulted in any kind of communication. 




For Apps 10 make sure you’ve set up the MAIL_SENDER1 connector in the IFS Connect section of your mws configuration.

Note how if you hover your session cursor over any of the fields shown above there is micro help for each individual field on this screen.

Also, if you haven’t already done so, consult the Apps 10 documentation page for this feature for more information at:


Eugene W

Hello Eugene


Im not sure where to get the SU level if SU is super user im using an admin account 


Application service update: 23.2.2

Framework service update: 23.2.3

IFS Cloud Web version:

IFS OData provider version:

I modified my initial response (didn’t notice you’d put the Apps 10 tag on your initial post at first).

Are you using Apps 10 or Cloud?


i am using cloud sorry about the confusion 

I don’t have experience with configuring email or messaging in general in Cloud environments and will have get help from others on this topic.  But you’ll still need to configure the MAIL_SENDER1 connector in a similar fashion as was done with Apps 10 in your Cloud instance (see below screen shot).

From the Cloud training I’ve had to date I believe there will be an extra step on the host server to define a virtual port for use with the Kubernetes container, i.e. the container’s virtual port should defined and opened up for use to be associated with an actual port on the host server.  I haven’t yet located documentation on that step and will have to defer to others on how exactly that can be done.

I did manage to find the following in the Technical Documentation library on this topic:


MAIL_SENDER1 configuration in Cloud 23R2




Just so im not crazy. If i expire someone's password and set a new one this should send the user an email if i have it correctly set up right?


Im not exactly sure if im even testing this right. 
