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Hello everyone. The company i work for told me that they have an opportunity for me. They are going to start using IFS technologies for their big project. The only thing they told me that i have to download ifs developer and learn Marble. When i decided to start learning ifs I got too many questions with little to no answers. Can you please tell me what do i need to know before becoming an apps developer, what i need to know as a cloud developer(pretty much prequisites like knowing oracle database, java, html/css/js) and what is marble. Sorry if my question sounds a bit stupid, I’ve just started learning :)


Given how new you are to this, and how green you are to development my sole piece of advice is to review the IFS Academy and gain support from your business to help you learn directly from the learning materials that IFS has produced. They have a development pathway that will provide you the answers, and training, that you seek. This will be the most efficient way. 
