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Hi friends!

When we procured IFS and my account was configured, I was given an IFS Portal User with FTP access that I can connect. Today I see a lot of folders on that FTP server.

Having said that, today I’m working with the Data Migration Manager and I see that on the Database folder configuration (for the Legacy Data) there is a combo box giving me the opportunity to indicate one of three possible folders:





How are these folders configured and where do they map inside my FTP server?


@msurasky-price  so its quite “easy” ;-)   All the folders are reachable through FTP only when you have setup the Site to Site VPN with the cloud environments. 

When you have that setup, the client has gotten a document (COG - Cloud operation guide) with all the connection details and in that document you can also find the details for the FTP access to these folders.

So if the client does not have the credentials, you should ask the support team using the request a cloud service for the details.





I must be doing something wrong because, even after getting the username and password I can’t still access this resource via FTP. I’m probably using the wrong server. Is the server “” or is there a specific URL for each customer?

@msurasky-price  its just the ip address of the database server which is inside that cloud guide. 

the is a complete different FTP not related to your cloud environment.
