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On Apps 10, has anyone found a good method to push all packages to all users after delivery installations?

We know we can instruct users to use “Download all packages” from the debug console, but we are concerned on our network and application server performance will be impacted if all users do this at the same time. 



Please see my below suggestions.

  • Scheduled Downloads: Instead of having everyone download packages at the same time, you can set up downloads to happen during less busy hours or give different user groups specific time slots for downloading.

  • Pre-loading Packages: The server can get packages ready in advance. This way, users won’t need to download everything at once, which reduces the pressure on the network and servers.

  • Group Updates: If it works for your system, divide users into groups and send updates to each group one at a time. This helps to avoid overloading the server.



@KRTI I think I would go for the notification, as @Chanu_Yazi mentions. Not all users need all updates, so why download all functionality, while only a part is used.

btw @Chanu_Yazi Didn't know a push of these downloads was even possible. Never to old/late to learn something (thanks for that).

It was also my idea. 

But it isn’t possible, unfortunately.

@KRTI In my post Notification is still there. I mean with that a mail or something along that line, that one may get a message and that the user should not worry, they only have to press ok and wait.
