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i added new column in Project Program, it works as expected there is no issue so far.


But, i could not make it visible in List of Values of Project ID in Project page,



How can i make it visible?

Hi @Noriro2 I think to start with the Custom Field would need to exist in the header, rather than the sub table. However upon checking the header logical unit (ProjectProgramGlobal) there doesn't seem to be any approved Detail view. 

@Noriro2 you would need a modification for this. Just creating the CF won’t display it in the LoV in other screens.

Hi @Noriro2 I think to start with the Custom Field would need to exist in the header, rather than the sub table. However upon checking the header logical unit (ProjectProgramGlobal) there doesn't seem to be any approved Detail view. 


@COVJAMIEB  Thank you for reply.


@Noriro2 you would need a modification for this. Just creating the CF won’t display it in the LoV in other screens.


@Marcel.Ausan Thank you for reply, what kind of modification i should make? can i do it on IEE ? 

what about Search Hints;
i could not modify them but could be related ?


Hi @Noriro2 I think to start with the Custom Field would need to exist in the header, rather than the sub table. However upon checking the header logical unit (ProjectProgramGlobal) there doesn't seem to be any approved Detail view. 

Hi, as you suggested i created new custom filed which refers to old one in header, but i could not make it visible in List of values, any suggestions or is it dead end.
