
Logo in email Signature triggered from IFS

Userlevel 1
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Can anyone share your views on implementing the solution of including logo in an email signature triggered from IFS?
I am planning currently to achieve this with the use of html <img src> tag in plsql code and give the file system path of the image and the solution is working with an example code below,   For the above solution, I need to change the content type of the mail sender to text/html from text/plain.
Also, as per outlook default settings html embedded images are not getting downloaded automatically and user has to download it manually by doing right click to see in the signature and again this settings in outlook needs to be changed.   Is there any other better or standard IFS way to achieve this?



10 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

If you’re sending the email as type Text/Plain then pretty sure you won’t be able to send the email with an image embedded as a signature.

You can try embedding the image as base64 if its an HTML email? That way there’s no need to download the image when received by the client.

Otherwise, I would suggest you’re better off looking at something like Exclaimer or CodeTwo, although that is a domain-wide change.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Most convenient way is to embed the image as base64 in the email body. I have seen some customers using CID tag but some mail clients will consider that as attachments so may be not the optimal solution.


Attached herewith is a sample code with base64 embedded image in the mail body.

base64 string used in this example generated with

Problem with embedding base64 encoded image is the size of the string if you are attaching large images. I have seen a customer who developed a custom LU to store  base64 strings of images and other html tags so they can create email body dynamically.





Userlevel 1
Badge +6

Thanks Garak and Damith, the only issue I see now is the length of the base64 coded string.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Not really anything you can do about that as it’s basically embedding an images binary data in string format.

Only option otherwise would be to use something like Exclaimer or CodeTwo which stamps the signature onto the email as it passes through the server.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Thanks Garak and Damith, the only issue I see now is the length of the base64 coded string.


If you are in Apps10, Command_Sys.mail supports the mail text as CLOB so size of the base64 converted image should not be a problem.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Outlook doesn’t support base64 encoded images.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Outlook doesn’t support base64 encoded images.

Hi @durette ,


This SO question seems to be seven years ago and maybe it was a limitation back then :wink:

base64 encoded images in html formatted mail body is supported by most of the mail clients and one issue could be that the image is blocked due to un-trusted sender.




Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Thank you. This does now work.


Badge +1

Try Sigsync Office 365 email Signature, Its server side email signature. You can configure it once, you will have a consistent, tamperproof email signature for all your users. It grabs all of the user data from our Active Directory. 

It is very reliable and easy to use, I find that from a signature customization perspective, Sigsync is far the best. I've been able to set up a single signature for an entire organization. If your comfortable making the signatures in HTML I would recommend that.


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Try Sigsync Office 365 email Signature, Its server side email signature

Server-side email signatures don’t give end users the option to change theirs. You might think this is a good thing, like if someone puts something objectionable, controversial, or inappropriate in their signature, but I’ve been around IT long enough to recognize there will be several problems with not giving this power to end users.

  • It’s going to annoy employees, and annoying your highest performers is a great way to push them out to a different company that trusts them to make this kind of decision for themselves.
  • This doesn’t give you the power you think it does. The message body might ALSO contain unwanted content, or end users might pad the bottom of their message with the start of their custom signature.
  • Signatures will get duplicated. End users will think it’s weird to send a message with no signature, so they’ll add one, and then your customers will get emails with two signatures. I see this from vendors all the time, and it looks silly.
  • IT can be slow to fix name or title changes, or you might not even get this request at all if your end users don’t feel comfortable asking for what they want or need.
    • Imagine working hard for a promotion to then have to wait a month for a helpdesk call to get your signature updated with your new title.
    • “Franklin” might want to go by “Frank”. Being friendly makes sales, and that makes your company money.
    • An employee with a typo in their signature (particularly their title) might just accept it to not rock the boat, but they represent your company to suppliers and vendors, making YOUR COMPANY look bad, not just them.
    • A transgender employee might not feel comfortable asking for their signature to get updated.
  • The signature is part of the whole message received. Customer-facing users will want to know how their message will be viewed on the recipient’s screen, with the right number of line breaks between the message and the signature. Artistic composition matters a lot more to salespeople and marketers and customers (and sales!) more than it might to techie people like us.
  • Adding signatures to internal emails slows down the whole company’s communication efficiency. Every company where I’ve worked has had an unwritten and unspoken practice of using shortened signatures for internal replies. Short signatures save a lot of scrolling and produce a lot less visual noise, allowing recipients to focus on the content.
