I explained everything in my post, you just have to transfer your code into your custom procedure
You already sent it with this code. If there is no change. There should be an error in background jobs. You can search with description. And check the error text.
ifsapp.transaction_sys.deferred_call(job_id_, 'Fnd_Event_Action_API.Action_Executeonlinesql', 'PARAMETER', attr_, 'Geri plan Tanımı');
You already sent it with this code. If there is no change. There should be an error in background jobs. You can search with description. And check the error text.
ifsapp.transaction_sys.deferred_call(job_id_, 'Fnd_Event_Action_API.Action_Executeonlinesql', 'PARAMETER', attr_, 'Geri plan Tanımı');
OK, I got it. But now I have > 100 jobs. Every second. And it calculate the value n times until zero. :-)
I explained everything in my post, you just have to transfer your code into your custom procedure
Thank you @romsar I will test this process also.
@Link Please disable the Event. After that, check one of them. This is an important point. If there are a lot of jobs in the background. Your system can slow down or even crash.
@Link You should do this in your test environment. Please don't do it in your production environment. :)
Don’t worry @hhy38. I know. And is already deactivated.
Hi @romsar
hi @Tomas Ruderfelt
thank you a lot for support. I will test this approach.
Be carreful, as metionned in my previous post as a comment,
is here to erase the content of attr_, so it’s same as if you do
attr_ := ‘’ ;
Hi @Link
To modify a record. You must know the objid and the obversion of the record. You can get this information from view. After that, fill the attr with columns and values. You can see an example below.
DECLARE info_ VARCHAR2(32000); objid_ VARCHAR2(32000); objversion_ VARCHAR2(32000); attr_ VARCHAR2(32000); BEGIN
SELECT t.objid, t.objversion INTO objid_, objversion_ FROM fnd_user t WHERE t.identity = 'DUMMY_USER';
Just once at the beginning is going to be enough. If you clear again, you will lose the info before. However, If you change multiple records. You need the clear the attr.
Hi @hhy38
it is a nice example.
client_sys.add_to_attr('ACTIVE', 'FALSE', attr_);
For what purpose do I need this method?
What do the first and second parameters mean?
Just once at the beginning is going to be enough. If you clear again, you will lose the info before. However, If you change multiple records. You need the clear the attr.
My goal is to change multiple records. That means I need to clear the attr again.