
Business Reporter issue

  • 19 April 2024
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi BR experts,

Could you please advise me on the following issue?
When the customer orders the BR report(using their credentials), they get an empty report.
But when I order the same report (using my credentials) I get the report with data.

To be honest, I'm not sure if it's related to the user credentials or rather to the local settings.
I tried to reproduce this issue using my credentials, but I couldn't do it until I turned on the debugger.

When I turned it on, I received an empty report.

Have you ever encountered an issue like this?
Do you have any suggestions how to solve it, I mean how to ensure that when the customer orders a report using their credentials, they receive a report with data.
I would be grateful for your assistance.
Best regards,

9 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

@Adam Mazurczak ,


did you check the permission for this customer ? They seems having incorrect permission for them.

go to the user and check for the permission and grant them the correct permission.  may be as a test you can grant the same permission set as yours and check;


Kind Regards!


Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi @NiyomalN ,

Thanks for reply.

I’m not sure if it is the permission issue.

I guess I should provide you more details.
I prepared the first version of the report and this one works OK (for me and the customer).
Next I prepared the second version where the only difference is default value for one parameter.
So, the first version works correctly both for me and the customer, but the second version works correctly for me, while the customer receives an empty report.

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

was it a company ID that you defaulted  ? In that case check whether user has the access to that company in “user company”. Compare your user with customer’s user and see.

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

No, it was’t company. In both versions of the report, the company is the same.

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

@Adam Mazurczak  What is the display item you are suing for this parameter ? and the information source ?

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

The Information Source is Cash Flow Forecast ID and the display item is FACT_CASH_FLOW_FORECAST.CASH_FLOW_TYPE_DESC

Userlevel 5
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Hi @NiyomalN ,

do you know if the problem can be related to the default language for the user?

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

@Adam Mazurczak Since you are using the Description as a filter  default language can be a problem.  can you change the language and see? or change the filter to use the ID instead of DESC

Userlevel 5
Badge +12

Hi @NiyomalN 

Analyzing the issue regarding an empty report, I removed all filters from the report and left only the filter for the company. 
The filter looks like this:
The filter is set up using a parameter Company with the default value: 8031,8111,8114,8115. 
The report appears empty, but when I change the filter to:
DIM_COMPANY.CODE IN '8031','8111','8114','8115'
with fixed values, the report shows data. 
Have you ever encountered such an issue?


