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Our Customer Order Pick list are printing 3 additional lines per line item and it looks to be related to Handling Units. Is there a central location in IFS APPS10 to set PRINT_HU to FALSE? Will that sovle my report issue or do I need to modify the report?



Hi @arebbeadle ,


Can you explain what you doing bit further. Are you going to print a report. ?


As I can see ‘print_hu_’ is a variable that get values as TRUE and NULL in the logic. in customer order pick list and shipment consolidated picklist reports. 




We are printing a  pick list for a customer order and it is showing 3 additional blank lines per item.

Is there a way to turn off printing of handling units (which we don’t use) on the pick list report?



If i look at the view ‘CUSTOMER_ORDER_PICK_LIST_REP’ for a specific result_key there are 3 addtional lines that have no data other than PRINT_HU field. 



Hi @arebbeadle ,


Please report a case to Global Support as this need to be investigated by analyzing the report layout, schema and rdf file.

It was confirmed to me that this is standard by design and not an error. Reports need to be redesigned if you don’t need Handling units to print. Currently there is no global checkbox to turn on/off print handling units.