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Are there any way of validating EU vat numbers on all customers/suppliers in one go.

Can this be done as a scheduled job?

From what I read on: there is no database available (at least not via this site). Hence there is no way to do an automated check. Do you have a database at hand? How up to date is it? If it can be read via an API, you might be able to write some coding that would perform the check via the API.



Hi Brian,

Current, EU VAT number validation available in the IFS system is a web service call to VIES validation portal.

If you go to FAQ section, you can see that they have a clear statement about batch handling. Their service is designed only for single requests.

But, from IFS side you can build a customize MOD to request the validation in sequential order (Batch call in order to execute in sequential manner). But, be careful about their security measures. If we create too much traffic from same IP, there is a chance to block the IP. For an example, if there are multiple requests for same number or if there are multiple requests for invalid VAT numbers from same IP, they might block your IP address.


Best Regards




Hi Eranda

Thanks for the answer

We will find other solutions for now. There are companies who can do batch check of vat numbers towards the VIES page. I surgest IFS do work on a solution.


