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Hi all,

If I wan to transfer a sales quotation to a customer order sometimes I get following error message in IFS Apps9:

Server error messages:

Ifs.Fnd.FndSystemException: Unexpected error while calling server method AccessPlsql/Invoke ---> Ifs.Fnd.FndServerFaultException: ORA-06550: line 18, column 881:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:

:= . ( % ;
The symbol "(" was substituted for ")" to continue.)

Failed executing statement (ORA-06550: line 18, column 881:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:

:= . ( % ;
The symbol "(" was substituted for ")" to continue.)
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.ParseErrorHeader(FndBuffer buffer, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.UnMarshalResponseHeader(Stream responseStream, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions)
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.HandleHttpSuccessResult(HttpWebResponse result, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, String operation, FndBodyType responseBodyType, Object responseBody)
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(Object requestBody, Object responseBody, String intface, String operation, FndRequestContext requestContext, FndManualDecisionCollection decisions, Boolean forcedSync)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection.InvokeInternal(String intface, String operation, Object requestBody, Object responseBody, FndRequestContext requestContext, Boolean forcedSync)
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLCommandCollection.Invoke()
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLSelectCommandReader.Read(Boolean prepare)
at Ifs.Fnd.Data.ADONetProvider.FndAPCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)


But IFS creates the customer order.

Why does it appear?




Check for any custom event is enable??


Thanks for replying.

Yes, we have at least one custom event in sales quotation.