Looking to get some insight into how people have setup IFS for selling through Fulfilled by Amazon. We retain ownership of the inventory whilst it is in the Amazon warehouse, until the point it is sold to the end customer.
We intended to do this using Customer Consignment. So the proposed flow would beĀ
- Process a Customer Order on IFS using Customer Consignment to stock theĀ Amazon warehouse.
- Sales are processed on Amazon - Self Billing Invoice Received from Amazon - Customer Consignment stock is consumed and invoiced
- Replenishment order raised as per step 1
...cycle continues
However, we have Package Parts that we intend to sell through Amazon and this has posed a challenge to the above. In version 9 at least Package Parts and Consignment do not appear to be compatible. What we were hoping was that we could ship a package, but the inventory parts that are components of the package would be transferred to consignment stock.
We are trying to avoid setting up a new part number specific for amazon as a manufactured part rather than a package. Are there any ideas on how we can overcome this problem?