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There are few  Customer Orders not appear to deliver which are in Released state but still don’t appear to deliver in ‘Deliver Customer order’ screen.

Ideally as per attached image except ‘Invoiced’/’Partially Delivered’/’Delivered’ Customer orders rest COs which are in ‘Released’ state should appear for delivering.

However those are in ‘Released’ aren’t getting the option to Deliver.

Need some inputs on the same in brief.


Thanks in advance!

Hi @Venkat04, after releasing the customer orders, the steps reserving materials for the orders, creating the picklist/report picking should be carried out. Then only you will be able to deliver the order. Please check the ‘order type’ entered in the customer order header to see whether those steps are done automatically or not. If stops are not added for the each step that means they are done automatically. Then the orders are not getting reserved may be due to not having enough stock in the inventory.

Hi Venkat, 

Can you please see if the shipment is enabled for the relevant customer orders? If you RMB on Customer Order Header/Line, you will notice that Shipment Info is active. If then, you have to deliver the order via Shipment Window.


Further, please check on the Supply code at the line level. Is it to set to any code other than “Invent Order”?