
Part Availability check not updating Planned delivery/ship date

  • 2 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +7
  • In our DEV or TEST environments
  • Create a customer order for a make to order part
  • Example:
    • Site: MEX
    • Sales Part: 3501-BDLP-95
      • Sourcing Option = Shop Order
      • Manufacturing Lead time = 4 days
      • Site Picking Lead time = 2 days
    • Customer order O322431 entered in MEX site for customer 12290
    • Wanted Delivery Date = 10/20/23
    • Line entered for 3501-BDLP-95, Qty 1
    • Upon saving the line a popup message appears stating:
      • “Due Date earlier than today’s date. Earliest possible delivery date is 10/27/23”.
      • This calculation would be correct based on the mfg and picking lead time.
      • However, on the customer order line the Planned Delivery Date and Planned Ship Date both state “10/20/23”.
  • So it appears the availability check is calculating the earliest date correctly but is not updated the customer order line with that date.
  • This is standard functionality and has been for years (apps9 and 10). It is required and very important to have accurate planned delivery and ship dates.

Is there a new setting in Cloud that is required to fully enable this availability check/update? Everything else is set up appropriately for the availability check based on our current

1 reply

Badge +1

Hi Hashane,

we had to cope with the same issue. We investigated, that the planned delivery date in the message box is always calculated correctly. Unfortunately the planned delivery date in the order line is only updatet in severall cases.

This relates to the sourcing-option of the sales part. If the sourcing-option is set to shop order or purchase transit, the user will only be informed via message box without any further effects.

From my point of view, that doesn’t make sense anyway as we expect a consistent behaviour of the application. I asked the IFS-Support-Team (CS0200271) but the replied, that the applikation works as designed.

This issue can be fixed with a Change Request.
