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Hi guys,


We need to integrate a POS for one of our local sites. I don’t thing that IFS 9 is ready to do this. Anybody knows de best way to work this metter?



Hi Gianni,


First step would be having a look at what methods the POS system can integrate with, map out what the integration requirement is (ie: When the POS system does X, what should be done within IFS?) and what the options are as far as outputting this information.

From there, you can determine how to integrate with IFS. Apps9 has various options under IFS Connect ranging from SOAP messages, file imports, .net access provider etc. Unfortunately REST only becomes available in Apps10.


For example, if the POS system needs to raise a customer order within IFS, and it can raise an outbound XML file or SOAP message, and the formatting of this message can be custom - then you could look at using the CreateCustomerOrder BizAPI (which you can view the schema of within the IFS Interface Browser, available to view at https://environment:port/interfacebrowser/.)


Hope this gives you a starting point!


