A similar behavior as mentioned below was reported by another customer and Bug ID: 152144 was introduced in Apps 10 UPD 8 to mitigate the issue.
“Huge performance issue in the migration of Customer Comm Method. The investigation shows that COMM_METHOD_API.insert method calls
Rm_Dup_Check_For_Duplicate___(attr_, newrec_);
creates huge no records in RM_DUP_SEARCH_COMM_METHOD_TAB for each record in Customer Comm Method data in the migration container.”
Thank you so much for the reply Yeshan. But my customer is in UPD 11 and still getting the same issue. initially it was only happening for customer Info Address, but now we have this in customer comm method as well,
Thanks for the Update Niyomal.
It seems the fixes from bug 152144 is reverted from bug 151878.
RnD has created some scripts before to handle a similar issue (Refer Attached)
*Before migration job is started execute:*
* RmDupDisable.sql on the target database, it will disable all insertions to RM_DUP_SEARCH_TAB and RM_DUP_SEARCH_COMM_METHOD_TAB.
*And after that please check Migration job executed OK.*
*After migration is done execute:*
* RmDupEnable.sql on the target database, it will restore duplication check.
* POST_Rmcom_Insert_Dup_Search_Records.sql (rmcom\source\rmcom\database\POST_Rmcom_Insert_Dup_Search_Records.sql)
* POST_Crm_Insert_Dup_Search_Records.sql (crm\source\crm\database\POST_Crm_Insert_Dup_Search_Records.sql)
* Srm_Installation_API.Post_Installation_Data (Execute this method)