When you have setting to send Delivery Note or Shipment Delivery Note automatically by e-mail to customers it will take e-mail address (addresses) from the Customer Contact defined to Document address for the customer order. I think this logic is wrong. For delivery related documents it should take e-mail address from the Delivery address. I created a case for the request and I got reply:
“All documents on the customer order, purchase order, sales quotation etc are always emailed to the Supplier/Customer Contact"s email address connected to the document address. This has been the functionality in the core application for many years and will not be changed based on a single customer"s request. If the customer sees this as a valid functionality please enter a request in IFS Community so that it can be considered for future releases based on how many customers request for the same functionality.”
As said I think this is wrong logic. It is common to have customers with several delivery addresses and when documents concern Delivery they should be sent based on set up done for Delivery Address for customer order. It is common request from customers that Invoices are sent to one address and deliveries to several addresses. Delivery confirmation is requested to delivery address specific e-mail address as people working there are not interested in deliveries for other addresses.
So my question to community is do you agree with this need.