Customer Order Error Message - The Customer Order record has already been changed. Please refresh the record and reenter your changes
In the middle of amending a customer order line the user had a quick 5 minute chat with a supervisor then clicked on Save to save the amendments made earlier. On doing so they received the following error:
The Customer Order record has already been changed. Please refresh the record and reenter your changes.
Order No = S95520
Line No = 18
Del No = 1
Line Item No = 0
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Hi @johnw66,
The error exactly describes what might actually have happened while the user had a quick 5 minute chat with the supervisor. During this 5 minutes, 1. Another user might have changed the exact Customer Order Line record or, 2. Another user might have triggered a process which would have changed the exact Customer Order Line record or, 3. A background job might have executed and changed the exact Customer Order Line record or, 4. Any other reason where the "rowversion" column of the "customer_order_line_tab" table for the exact Customer Order Line record might have changed.
Technically, the Modify__ procedure is executed when the data is edited and is eligible for an update. For CustomerOrderLine LU, the following procedure gets executed,
In CustomerOrderLine LU, objversion_ = to_char(rowversion,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') holds the timestamp where the record was last modified and this serves the purpose of a locking mechanism as well. However, there are other implementations for objversion.
You can read more about the Client Interaction mechanisms for further technical understanding.
Cheers ! Dhananjaya.
Thank you very much for the very detailed response, this is much appreciated and backs up some of my suspicions.
Have a great day and weekend.
Thank you very much for the very detailed response, this is much appreciated and backs up some of my suspicions.