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Hi All,

In Business Opportunity Pipeline window, I am getting the below error when I include in my filter Business Opportunities  with different currencies (AUD & NZD). 

Why is it using currency type 1, aren’t they suppose to use currency rate 3 ?


@NMALKI You need to check for the currency rate type 1. Attached screenshot shows currency rate type 3.

@Rasika Lakmal screen attached . but why is it checking type 1 not 3 ? is it defined in another window to check type 1 ?


In which environment you encountered this issue?

Since Business Opportunity is a sales side functionality, I believe it is the company’s Default Sell Currency Rate Type that is used in fetching data here.

So if your company 65 has currency rate type 1 defined as the Default Sell Currency Rate Type,  you should define  AUD to NZD rate under currency rate type 1.  Please add it and check whether the issue gets resolved.  




@Gaveshi Maddegamage  thanks for your clarification, it works :)