Hello IFS Community,
I would like to know if it’s possible to cancel a rental line for a customer that hasn’t started yet.
Let me explain :
We used to rent some machine to our customer, and we always do 2 month free before the rental start, so I always put the start rental automatically after 2 months on the CO.
But in that case , we notice we got some issue on the machine so we have to replace it, I used the menu “Create a replacement order”, but i can’t delivery the machine due we still have the first rental lines still open and not started.
After some test, i only find to start location at 0€ for 2 months with a manual events and then the real price start.
But in this case i’m stuck with my 2 machines with one i can’t stop the rental, and the other can’t deliver.. , if someone know how to manage it.