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When I duplicate a lead and save it with the exact same name and association no, the “Duplicate Lead” box is not getting checked.

When I click Save, I do get a pop-up notification asking if I want to view the duplicate.

How can we get the “Duplicate Lead” box to be checked? Is there additional setup needed or criteria we are missing? 

We have tried this in both Aurena and IEE.


Below is our current setup for the Duplicate check Action Setup and Duplicate Check Rule:


Hi ​@hreavis,
The duplicate check rule and action setup in the screenshots seems correct. I tested with the same setup in Apps10 UPD26 and it works fine both in Aurena and IEE. Which version are you using? I cannot remember that we have done any changes/corrections in this area recently. Do you  have any configurations or modifications that might impact? 

The info message that is raised when you try to save a lead with same association no is not really related to the duplicate check. That message is only raised in IEE and in Aurena it was replaced by the duplicate check. If you answer no to the question in the information message and instead save the new record, it should indicate the new lead as a duplicate. 


@Annjse - thank you for the response! We are using UPD10.

We have found that this does work in one of our dev environments, so we thought there may be additional setup or a setting we need to change to enable it.

I’m not aware of any modifications that wouldn’t also exist in the Dev environment, but I will double check.

Thank you!

@Annjse  We have checked and verified the code between the 2 environments is identical, even though the Duplicate Check is only working in our Dev environment and not our QA environment.


Besides the Duplicate Check Rule, could there be a projection, basic data setup, or anything else related to setup that we might be missing?


We did some research and found the rm_dup_search_tab is not populating in our QA environment, but IS populating in our Dev environment.

We believe that may be part of the issue, but we don’t understand why that table isn’t populating.

Thank you!

Adding that we have also verified the BusinessLeadHandling projection is fully granted.
