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We would like our sales department to authorise the sales quotations from collegues, before they send them to a Customer. I hoped is was a standard functionality in IFS 9, but could not find it.

Anyone an idea about this?


You can use the release sales quotation option as a way of authorization. When releasing the sales quotation, the status on the sales quotation header is updated to Released. All lines, except those in status Lost, Canceled or Won, are also released. This means that the sales quotation is ready to be converted into a regular customer order. You can revoke the permission to a particular end-user to release the quotation and make a superuser only eligible to release quotation/quotation lines.

Thank you @Rasika Lakmal for the answer. I think that could work, but what happens over here is, that the sales support colleagues check their neighbors who do the same work. SO we don't have that kind of '’superusers'’.
But what I think maybe could be the solution, creating an event, that logged in users could not release their '’own'’ sales quotations……. What do you think?



Maybe build an event that will check if the person that has entered the quote is trying to release it as well. It will be a bit tricky as the event has to run a background job (most likely).

You can create event quite simple, what check something when you release quotation.
Then all depends what kind of check you like to make.
This eg it check if quotation coordinator is same as person who release quotation. (easy to go around changing coordinator when release :sunglasses: )


Event code:




ifsapp.error_sys.Record_General('OWN_ERROR',' You can''t release your own quotation') ;



Thanks!! Event created in TEST and it seems to work! 
