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Hi All,


In Document Text Administration we have 2 Output Types defined that put information onto the invoice (doc 4). If I add document text against both of these Output Types on a Sales Part this document text prints out on our invoice directly below the part line.

However if I add it to an Inventory Part I get no text printing out and if I add it to a shipment header I also get no text printing out.

Can anyone advise if there is something else that needs to be configured to get the text to print, especially for the shipment. We are needing it here to give a full shipment weight and pallet details on each invoice for export reasons and it changes every delivery hence adding it to shipment header. 

Thanks Sarah

I assume the invoice layout your using has been custom built as part of your initial IFS implementation (probably as a Crystal Report)? For document text to work correctly, it has to be expressly coded into that report. It’s possible your output document will need to be edited in line with the specific doc text use cases you explained above.


I would recommend the following test: Print the invoice using the default IFS layout, instead of your companies layout. If the doc text is shown as expected on the IFS layout, it would confirm that you’ve set up the doc text admin correctly, and that the issue is with the bespoke invoice layout.


If you cant select the IFS layout within the print dialogue box, you (or your administrator) might need to enable it as follows…

Enabling standard format Output Doc’s in IFS

  1. Open the Solution Manager > Operational Reporting > Report Definitions screen
  2. Scroll down the list to find the required report, and click the report title in the 1st column
  3. In the table view, tick the “in Use” box and click save.

Thanks Robin,

Yes, the Crystal report wasn’t pulling in the fields - so we’ve managed to resolved :relaxed: