Hi Christophe,
Is the user in a time zone that is currently observing Daylight Savings Time?
If you can recreate it in your QA environment, can you just move the date forward on the server itself to a date PAST the daylight savings switch and see if it runs at 22:00 instead? If that’s not an option try assigning the user to a different time zone (move it one hour in either direction and see if the Last Run time adjusts an hour in the same direction the next time it runs...that should help to pinpoint whether it’s an issue with the time zone conversion logic or not).
Hi Phil i think i will create an issue, what i have seen if that if i change the “start from” date to a start from in which in France we are in what we call “summer Time” the next run is calculated correctly , if i put a date in which we are in France in “winter time” the next run is not calculated correctly. There is an impact for me of the “start from date”
Ok, Christophe,
I was thinking the same thing when I started testing this though Reid is the one that responded above, not myself.