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Going from 12.5 to 15.2, we find that we have an issue if two SAs are allocated to the same order. In 12.5, the SA could close the order as long as his/her activities were fullfilled.

In 15.2 we find that the SA can not close the order until both SAs have completed activities. How do we allow for this?

We do not wish to allow an SA to have several orders open at the same time.

Hi Bjørn,

If I understand correctly, you have two activities on the same service order.  Each activity is assigned to a different field engineer as a separate work order.

When you say close the order, do you mean the Resolve checkbox?  This is only available to the primary agent (usually the first activity on the service order) and the other agent does not get the option to select Resolve but can remove the order from the device.

Is this perhaps a case where the primary agent actually finishes first?  I am not sure there is a check to resolving the service order if the primary agent selects resolve while there is still an activity not yet completed (the other agent).

You can also look at MOE options to how to handle the service order to set it to Resolved status and perhaps turn that off and then the backend set the configuration to resolve orders when all activities are completed.


Thanks, Phil

I will forward this. It may be that he was the primary SA. We could not resolve the order, as it was not finished
