Service Order: Cause not behaving as expected in QBE
Cause is a lookup field on service order:
But as a search field in QBE it is a text field
But searching does not work (with or without wildcards) - about 20 orders have “Andet” as Cause:
I would expect this to behave like Problem Code - also a drop down field where multiple values can be selected
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Hi Bjørn,
First, this looks to be an issue so please log a ticket.
Also, checking v15.4, the option to use a %wildcard does not work any longer though the Like assumes the final % after the criteria so the search is Andet%. The below screenshot is from v15.4 and the cause code assigned to the service order is ‘Andet text’ which did not appear until after inserting the space after Andet.
However, v15.2 HF1 and HF4 do not seem to include the Cause code for some reason though it works in v15.4. The reason is the code is not populating the service_call.cause_descr with the saved value.
This needs to be fixed with a code change.
I have logged a ticket for this.
I have also updated call_descr with the cause_id, and then it works. Of course