Reading Stack Trace Information to Determine Root of Alliance Issues

  • 17 November 2021
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Userlevel 7
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In this example, the user performed some actions in alliance and received the following validation message:

We can determine that this is a validation message and not an error because of the code defined in the title of the message “A2SET072”.  Validation messages are programmed into the application to prevent bad data from being entered into the database or to stop the user from performing actions that they do not have permissions to do.  Validation messages that are raised by the server are shown in the application event log as shown below:

The stack trace is defined in the application log.  The stack trace shows the commands (functions) that occurred prior to the validation message\error.   Looking in this log, we can see that the last function call prior to Astea.AOGenericModule.ErrorRaise is Astea.BO.pm_sched_dates_Astea.CheckDuplicatePMdatesRows().  This information assists support in determining exactly the line(s) of code that are causing the problem.

When an error is raised by the application, it is helpful to also capture the application event logs and provide them to support for analysis.

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