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We had a power outage yesterday due to a storm.  We had to shut down all of our servers.  I just noticed that the Alliance process flow named ASTEA_CleanupLocks has not been running for a while.  I tried to restart it but received the following error message.

I am seeing a large number of records in the ap_lock table.  


  1. Does this process flow clear old locks and should it always be enabled?
  2. Does this work with v15.4 SU2
  3. Is there other methods of clearing old locks?

Hi Katherine,

This process flow should always be enabled and yes it does cleanup old locks.

As you indicated, the problem with activating it is there are no actions associated to the flow in your version apparently.  I ran into this once before and it was possible to reactivate via SQL by updating the wf_rule_header.is_active to Y.

If I recall there were some fixes involving this process flow in SU4.

Thank you Phil for your excellent assistance. This issue is now resolved.
