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We encountered on the outbound data audit integration the following on some outbound messages sent to an external system.

 the created_dt is for example 2022-02-14 15:04 the delivey_date is 2022-02-14 15:10  and we have an error message “dispatcher failed….” we can see that there is a column called “retry count” at 3


could you tell me how is working the retry count ? i suppose that this means Alliance had tried to countact the external end point 3 times ?  

Do you know how the retry is done  : each minutes or the system tries 3 times in the same sequence ?

What could explain in our example the difference of the created_dt and delievery_date of 6 minutes ? sometimes we have 15 minutes ?


Thanks for your feedback




Hi Christophe,

When Alliance retries a transaction such as through the Outbound Data Audit (Integration) module, the system will queue up the transactions to be retried after a specified amount of time. I don’t have an exact time for you, but it does not happen sequentially. 

created_dt would be when the record was created; I suppose delivery_dt would be the last time the delivery was attempted. I’m not too sure on this, as this is just my two cents. Hoping someone else who works with this more often can pop in and clear it up.

Hi Christophe,

In the other topic question you raised we discussed the problem where you see a delivery date (and yes it would be the last delivery attempt) but no ACK.  This does mean that Alliance did try to send the transaction and even perhaps made a network connection but something on the receiving endpoint prevented a returning ACK.  You should review any logs, errors on the receiving end point.

One thing you could try as well in case it is the Data Handler Dispatcher service on Alliance not sending at all (I would not expect delivery dates) is restart that service.  As also discussed, that service can only run on one server, not from multiple servers.

