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Hi, we just upgraded from V14.5.  In V14 we had set it in MOE-6200, for the SA to be able to edit the serial number, which worked fine.

But in V15.4 we are finding that this no longer works.  I can make a change to the serial number but when it tries to save the change, we get a message:

A2GEN029:Cannot change serial number because there are open order created for this serial item

This is an odd message since on Mobile, pretty much everything has an open order against it.  How can we change this?  Or is it a bug?



Hi Christophe,

Just a sanity check, are there OTHER orders which might have this serial number not moved to history yet?  It does not necessarily mean it is this order specifically causing that message.  It is a backend check that fails and is returned back to mobile.

You can probably test this by creaing a new installed item so you know it is not on other orders and see if this happens.  If so, I think it is a bug myself.


Great idea Phil.  I tried that but am getting the same message.  I will log the bug in the usual way.



Hi guys - I can confirm what Chris is saying. We have teh same setup in out 15.4 UAT, and I am not allowed to save a new serial on an item - no other orders open on item.

I was, however, allowed to change serial on an item uninstalled on an order
