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I would like to know if it’s possible to create a field quotation for multi sites or the best way to do that ?


On the customer process, at the beginning,  we have a quotation made for many customer sites and we want to link this same quotation for each site :
 1 Quotation = Some service orders = 1 SV for each site

Thanks for your help


Hi Anthony,

I don’t think this is possible.  Reading the introduction for Field Quotations:


In this context, the field quote is basically a quote to initiate a service order which you cannot have multiple sites on the service order either.  It is a one-to-one relationship from my understanding.

Hi Anthony,

When we have that situation, we use Contract Quotations instead.  Not perfect but does allow us to quote for as many systems or sites as we need.  We created a Contract Type for that, to keep it separate.

Best Regards


Thanks you very much  all for your contribution :) 

@Chris_Perkins  good idea !
Could you explain a little how you manage the next step for service orders ?
Is it as described below  :

1/ You create the contract, with customer sites as OOS of the contract 
2/ You create then SV for sites under this contract 

you use the contract type as a reference of quotation ?



Hi Antony,

For us, we create the contract quotation much as we would any CQ.  We don’t use sites for OOS, we always only use Installed items, which can be connected to various sites but I can’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t use sites.

Then we add products to the installed items.

Then we can run our quotation report to quote the customer (only one billing customer on the CQ of course).

Once accepted we activate the contract and can use PM Batch Scheduler to create all the Service Orders for each site/machine.

The contract type does nothing other than make it easy to identify this kind of contract in a search or report.


Good suggestion for a work around using the contract quotations to drive the PM service orders if the quote is accepted.

This is different than trying to use field quotations to drive the service order creations which is still limited to one site/service order per field quote.
